Tuesday, January 5, 2010


To kick off The 2010 Project I thought it would be fun to calculate each of our "Personal Year Numbers" to see what the numbers say 2010 will be like for each of us. So here it is:

Melissa, your Personal Year Number this year is an 8.

8 Personal Year
A year of respect, achievement, recognition; business matters dominate, especially financial management; an active, busy year where you must administrate

This is a year to learn about your own power, to deal with authority issues, and to become the boss, because people will look to you this year for your executive ability or to act as an authority in some respect. This is the year where you'll be challenged to take the lead, to stand up as an authority, and in that way to begin to empower yourself with your full sense of power.

The 8 year means it's time for you to be thrust into the role of the leader, boss, or authority and to tend to business. Use this year to administrate something - the family estate, the school auction, or the company's overseas spring tour. More than any other year, this is the time to deal with the energy of power, money, and success, and to achieve something. You'll want to make the most of your opportunity this year because it will be another 9 years before you have an 8 year again. However, each year you will have a chance to work on missed opportunities when you are in your 8 Personal Month.

Shannon, your Personal Year Number this year is a 7.

7 Personal Year
A year of turning inward, rest and rejuvenation, contemplation and pursuit of spiritual quest; will spend time alone, can study and read this year

This is a time to move inside yourself. You'll need alone time and rest as you reexamine your goals, relationships, and the very direction of your life. Often, during a 7 year, you're drawn to the study of spiritual, mystical, or metaphysical subjects, and it's not unusual to find you need spiritual direction, and so look to a counselor or healer who can help further your quest.

This year is also a time of body purification, so diets, cleansing, and detoxifying programs may become of interest now. The 7 rules legal affairs, so it may also be the year you get that insurance settlement finished, or any matter where legal papers are involved. But no matter what, you'll need and seek solitude, because this is the time to be alone and quiet.

The 7 year means the time is favorable for you to take a sabbatical, or do a vision quest. More than any other year, this is the time to be quiet and listen to your inner guidance. It's time for seeking counsel from both yourself and others, as well as learning about what will help you find your own particular peace. Don't miss your chance for this introspective time, because you don't get another 7 year for 9 more years! However, each year will have a chance to work on missed opportunities when you are in your 7 Personal Month.

Wendy, my Personal Year Number this year is a 6.

6 Personal Year
A year of tending to domestic affairs, family obligations, nurturing others; constant effort required

If you have elderly parents, this is the year for them. In an uncanny way, you'll become needed by your family this year more than any other years. It's also a year that demands that you balance your domestic life with your work life, and you'll be shown many opportunities to get your work life in balance - even if it means getting another job.

The 6 year means it's time for you to pay attention to your family duties and responsibilities. Use this year to nurture and serve those you care about.

More than any other year, this is the time to balance the needs of others with your own needs. It's time for generosity and sympathy, and if you don't take time to give to your family, or to nurture your own needs, it will be another 9 years before you have a full year to devote to this energy. However, each year you will have a chance to work on missed opportunities when you are in your 6 Personal Month.

(The above descriptions were taken from "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Numerology, 2nd Edition" by Kay Lagerquist, Ph.D. and Lisa Lenard.)