Monday, January 11, 2010

Nightly Journal

Hey All,
I've been working on my journal in the evenings and I thought I'd share a recent entry with you.

January 9, 2010

I'm thankful for:
1. My great friends
2. Fun board games
3. Christina letting me use her discount to get running shoes so I can start training for my 5k!
4. Making myself make time for scrapbooking today
5. Homemade french fries

My Favorite Moment of the Day:
JJ and I were at Nicole and Vic's tonight with Michelle, Mike, and Melissa and we played the Wii for awhile and then Apples to Apples. After Michelle, Mike, and Melissa left Nicole and I were talking about Mike and Melissa and how Melissa is such a good fit for Mike. Apparently the girlfriend he dated for like 9 years before Melissa wasn't very nice. Then I said that Mike told me several months ago that Melissa fit in with his family like right away where as his last girlfriend I guess never really fit. And Nicole said, "Aww, is that how he knew Melissa was The One?" I told her I didn't know and then JJ said, "That's how I knew Wendy was The One." That right there was my favorite moment of today.

My list of things that I'm thankful for on this entry wasn't particularly insightful (sometimes they are) but my favorite moment of the day was a bit more special than the usual favorite moments.

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