Friday, February 19, 2010

Sometimes It's Worth It

It's a constant struggle every morning with my alarm clock. AT 5:45 on the dot I'm torn away from my dreams into a cold dark morning (it irks me to wake up to a day the sun hasn't even greeted yet). My bed is always so warm and cozy and it's so, so tempting to just hit the snooze button, throw the pillow over my head and sleep for another hour and a half.

Sadly, I do have to admit that this temptation wins out a lot. My WON'T POWER (see Wendy's post below) is minimal at best that early in the morning.

But when I do get up, throw some cold water on my face and lace up my running shoes, it always feels good. It's feels like I'm doing something. Yes, it's cold and I find myself yawning a lot but there's something almost spiritual about being out in the world before it wakes up. It's just me and the sound of my shoes against the pavement. And every once in awhile I'm given a little gift, like the amazing sunrise I saw the other morning (the picture truly doesn't give it justice). It's almost like God's little way of saying, "Good job."

-- Shannon

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