Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Insight from the Lunch Room

I was eating my lunch yesterday in the break room at work and I was thinking about all the exercising I've been doing and how great that has been going in combination with how well I've been eating, etc. The whole time I was eating I kept looking at a bag of Valentine's Day cookies that were sitting on the table. And as I was polishing off a container of Whips Key Lime Yogurt, the bag of neon pink Valentine's Day cookies were staring back at me whispering, 'Eat me.... we're really delicious.... even more delicious than we look... c'mon, just have one of us.... just one isn't so bad.... yeah sure you'll be able to stop after just one.... unless you can't, but that's okay.' Yes, right there in the lunch room I had a show down with a bag of cookies... I was out numbered, this is true.... and even though they were beautiful shades of pink and red, with eye catching sprinkles that twinkled at me and would mesmerize many who dare pass by... I hung in like a champ and resisted the urge to try even one sweet, shiny delight. It was in those moments of greatest temptation that I realized this: Weight loss happens with a combination of your "Will Power" and your "Won't Power." For example, "I WILL go to the gym in the morning" and "I WON'T have a pretty cookie." How's your Will and Won't Power treating you guys on your journey?

1 comment:

  1. Good observation. My struggle with "Will Power" and "Won't Power" is continual and definitely the hardest part of the journey. "I WILL get up early this morning to go for a walk." "I WON'T buy that pint of Ben and Jerry's Cake Batter Ice Cream." There's a constant war in my brain. I think it finally comes down to telling myself "What's better for me right now? And in the long run?" If I eat the ice cream, yeah yummy, but I'll be pissed at myself a half an hour later. On the other hand, when I get up early and walk or spend some time writing, I NEVER regret that. Still, it's a struggle.

    Also, I want those Valentine's Cookies you described.
