Monday, May 10, 2010

Visit 10 New Places I've Never Been

Well hello fellow 2010-ers! I'm still alive! Yes, it's true! I'm afraid the past few months of school and other activities kept me so busy I didn't have a chance to blog! But I'm very excited to report back that I have contributed to my list by going somewhere I've never been before!

Living on the central coast is amazing! There is so much to do and so much to see! Ever since I moved here I've been hearing about this area on a beach that's right off the 1 where all these elephant seals come every year. So a couple weeks ago, JJ and I got in his T-top Camero, took the glass tops off, and drove up the 1! It was a beautiful day! Sunny and warm, wind blowing in my hair as we drove... It was perfect! We drove up just passed Hearst Castle and off to the left is a parking lot that we pulled into. The way they have the whole thing set up, you can't actually get down onto the beach with the elephant seals. There's a fence and where people can stand is up above them and set back a little bit. So anyway, when we first got out there I saw A FEW elephant seals on the beach and I thought, 'Hey this is really neat!' (Because we were SO close to them!) And then JJ said, "Yeah but look over there..." And I turned to my left and looked down the beach... MILES of beach COVERED with elephant seals! And I know you're reading this thinking, 'Yeah okay lots of elephant seals.' No no! This is something you need to see to understand. Lucky for you, I took pictures! Hehe.

So this was neat and I was excited...

Then I saw this and my jaw hit the ground!

It was an amazing sight to see! They are on the beach all year round pretty much but there are different "seasons" depending on what you want to see. The ones that were there when we went were just the females and the juveniles. In a couple months the big males will be back and I guess they are just massive and they're load and they fight over the females and what not. Apparently very impressive so we are going to go again in a few months to see that. At other times you can go when they females are giving birth and stuff like that. There was a cute little volunteer there that gave us a flier that has all the season's on it. I put it on the fridge. As a side note, the volunteer was so cute! She was this little old lady out there with her oxygen tank! She was dedicated! Anyway, that's 1 place, 9 more to go!

I hope things are going well with both of you and your lists! I have more to tell you about but I thought I'd wait a few days and then move on to a new topic! See you sooner rather than later this time ladies!
